The Firefighters of the Future
 Seth Robertson and Viet Tran from George Mason University

With the coming water wars due to the shortage of the vital liquid, it becomes of great importance to follow best practices to take care of it.

Due to the climate change, temperatures around the world are going up much faster than ever before, increasing fire risk.

Here come into play, two engineering students that have built a handheld device that uses sound to extinguish flames, the fire extinguisher uses low-frequency sound waves to douse a blaze.

Viet Tran and Seth Robertson from George Mason University were inspired to create their device after watching a DARPA video showing how giant tubes of sound waves can put out fire.

It works because the low frequency noise, which they liken to the ‘thump’ of hip-hop music, separates oxygen from fuel to stop a fire from burning.

This technology could one day revolutionize firefighting.

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Fran Gomez
Wit Comics Founder and Graphic Novelist
Veteran of war in cyberspace, declares himself as a huge fan of comics, video games and science fiction. Author of Hack Woman.
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