Disney Princesses Reimagined as Jedi Warriors
Mashups of most popular franchises are always welcome. When Disney Princesses reimagined as Jedi Warriors by Graphic Artist Phill Berry, I decided to take a look, and the outcomes are entirely amazing.
Mashups of most popular franchises are always welcome. When Disney Princesses reimagined as Jedi Warriors by Graphic Artist Phill Berry, I decided to take a look, and the outcomes are entirely amazing.
Decorating Easter eggs is awesome, decorating a sci-fi geeky egg is egg-ceptionally!
Best 10 Historic Spacewalks ever
Agent Peggy Carter must balance doing administrative work and going on secret missions to save the World, all while trying to survive her life as a single woman in the Post-War America, in the wake of losing the love of her life, Captain America.
Happy Valentines Day
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