Visually atractive comic books displays from new comics publisher Allegiance Arts and Entertainment, will be placed in the book departments of 3,000+ Walmart stores, about 70% of the chain, on May 5. The exhibitors, which will be on the side of an endcap display, will be launched with 4 unique great titles, priced at $4.98 for 24 all-story pages on 70-pound paper.

The displays are becoming placed by Readerlink, which covers book distribution to Walmart. Their eight pockets will be utilized to show several issues of the comic books, therefore fans will be able to locate early issues even after the titles have launched. Plans are to release with ten copies for each store of each title. The comics will also be offered online at

The titles are:

  • Norah’s Saga, written by Blake Northcott. Illustrated by Kelsey Shannon.
  • The Futurists: written by Patrick Stiles. Pencils by Butch Guice. Inks by Rick Magyar. Colors by Mitch and Elizabeth Breitweiser
  • Bass Reeves, written by Kevin Grevioux. Pencils and Inks by David Williams. Colors by Kelsey Shannon.
  • Red Rooster, written by Mark Pellegrini. Pencils and Inks by Mitch Breitweiser. Colors by Elizabeth Breitweiser
Click the image to watch all the comic books art covers gallery.

All publications were edited by Patrick Stiles. Book Design by Chris Kendrick.

All of the four have had Indiegogo campaigns. The crowdfunding campaign for a bundle of Norah’s Saga, The Futurists, and Bass Reeves raised $44,709 and has been fulfilled; the August 2018 campaign for Red Rooster: Golden Age, which raised $197,434, has not.

The stories will be written in “seasons” of six “episodes,” for eventual repackage into book format.

The company was established by comic artist Mitch Breitweiser, Eisner-nominated colorist Elizabeth Breitweiser, and Arkansas businessman David Martin, CEO of reputation management/crisis consulting firm Allegiance Consulting Group.

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Fran Gomez
Wit Comics Founder and Graphic Novelist
Veteran of war in cyberspace, declares himself as a huge fan of comics, video games and science fiction. Author of Hack Woman.
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